
lyfeNovember 13, 2018

Software Upgrade

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I needed one. There were a ton of things I wanted to add to this blog, and I also wanted everything to look a certain way. Everything is finally up and running the way I wanted, so allow me to go over what’s new and what has changed…


Yeeeeee we about to get that bread.



We’re about to take Photo By PlNKWIFI to the next level! All my pictures are now on one static page, meaning all you have to do is scroll to see everything. The pics are in slideshow galleries, and if there’s a blog post associated with the pics, there will be a link to it below the gallery.



Okay, it was very obvious. I slacked off massively when it came to writing movie reviews… and this was definitely due to me being insecure over my own writing. The general consensus is that no one gives a hoot if I think I can’t write. If I could write this post, I can talk about a movie. I promise that from now on, I will be writing more reviews on movies that appeal to Gen Z!



Need new music to listen to? Every other Friday, I’ll be posting a new Spotify playlist that you can save to your library! YES, this guarantees consistency on my end.



See that tab that says “Calendar”? It’s a concert calendar! Since most of you reading this are based in San Diego (and I certainly am), the calendar mainly lists shows taking place in San Diego. If SD doesn’t get a date on the tour or the event only takes place in the LA area, the LA date will be listed. Each event on the calendar has venue info listed – such as the location, phone number, and even a map showing where the venue is located! There will also be links to purchase tickets. This does not replace the events page, which is where you’ll find much more info on select events.


That’s about it! Have fun lurking 🙂

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