This will either come as a shock to you… or not.
Yesterday, Apple announced at its Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) that iTunes will be no more. Apple will be phasing out iTunes, beginning with macOS Catalina – the new mac operating system. There will be dedicated apps for your music, tv shows, and podcasts.
While there’s not much info out yet, it seems as though iTunes as we knew it will be no ‘mo. As someone who was hesitant to subscribe to streaming services at first but hasn’t even looked back, this doesn’t come as a surprise.
Different strokes for different folks. In 2019, there were some people who liked to purchase individual songs/albums from iTunes. Others (especially those who seem like they stan every artist in the universe) found streaming convenient, and more wallet friendly.
Guess it’s a sign of the times.

Do you remember your first iTunes purchase? Mine was “Good Life” by Kanye West. I still had dial up internet at home, was running Windows XP while everyone was starting to upgrade to Windows Vista (psst.. that computer STILL runs XP), and my brand new hot pink iPod nano was my child.
My dad let me use his credit card to buy a song, and he wanted me to buy “Good Life”. When I was about to hit BUY, I noticed the song said explicit next to it. I had no idea what that meant, but was instructed to buy it anyways.

My friends couldn’t relate – all their parents were making them buy the clean versions of songs. Imagine trying to rap the clean version of Lil Wayne’s “A Milli” while hopping out of your Scion xB. That hurted.
Oh well iTunes, it was nice knowing you as you were!