Judah Holiday is an indie pop singer/songwriter based out of Miami.

Holiday grew up in the Bronx, and began playing musical instruments at a young age. When he was seven, he picked up playing the drums, and soon moved on to playing the guitar. At age 14, Holiday wrote his first song, and began to play gigs as he wrote more. He found himself playing at iconic venues, such as the CBGB Gallery.
In 2011, Holiday moved to Miami. His surroundings allowed him to become fascinated with EDM, and he began to study production.

Holiday’s artistry has evolved over the years, but his music has remained rooted in a classic sense of songcraft. He says, “I started making music because I had a lot of trouble expressing myself, and songwriting was a way for me to speak my mind without interruption. Today I still just write based on what I’m feeling in the moment, and if it ends up connecting with people and makes them want to sing along, then that makes me happy too.”
Earlier this month, Judah Holiday released his debut album Feelings in My Head. While the tracks feel warm and have deep, personal lyrics, they’ll also put you in a fantastic mood (or keep you in one!)
Stream Feelings in My Head below, and follow Judah Holiday on Twitter and Instagram @JudahHoliday!