
WHO DATApril 16, 2020

Get To Know Marisa Maino!

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When you really love something, you’ll do whatever it takes to pursue it and keep being able to do it, despite what others may say. I can’t think of a better person right now that describes (what I just said) than pop singer Marisa Maino! 

Alexa King

Maino got her start in the spotlight by being a part of a Russian ballet company. However, due to an unfortunate knee injury, she was forced to quit dancing. Some show writers encouraged Maino to shift her focus towards acting and music, and she moved to LA to get her start in acting. She wasn’t satisfied with the direction that many were trying to pull her in, so she decided to audition for X Factor. Maino decided television wasn’t really for her, but it led her to take on the music world!

Through the X Factor and some other auditions, Maino received referrals for co-writes. Notably, there was a co-writer who wanted Maino to be a jazz singer and not talk on stage. She realized that if she couldn’t be herself during a performance, then what’s the point? 

Maino currently lives in Nashville, and is doing things the best way possible – her way! Her pop sound is a representation of who she is, and she gets to have fun with it. 

“My sound is always going to be reflective of me – so quirky pop in a way,” she explains. “I think that as I get older, I can always have that ‘Adele vibe’ with the more serious tones. But at my age, I want to make sure my music stays young and vibrant. I want to make sure I live it, and that people feel young and youthful when they listen to my music.”

Last week, Marisa Maino released her debut album STAGES OF LOVE & HEARTBREAK. This seven track album is bursting with pop goodness, and describes different stages of love and everything that comes with it. Check it out below!

You can find Marisa Maino on Twitter and Instagram @marisamaino. Be sure to go say hi!
