Oliver Tree is asking for one thing, and one thing only in his new song “Let Me Down”. Can you guess what that might be?
“Let Me Down” was produced in collaboration with Whethan, and comes as quite a surprise – earlier this week, Oliver revealed in an interview with Genius that this was the last song he’d EVER write as Oliver Tree.
He says, “I wrote ‘Let Me Down’ the day after I canceled my album due to corona virus. Canceling the release was devastating after working on this album for 5 years. Even though it was completely out of my control, I felt like I let a lot of people down so I made them this song as an apology. Even if I can’t drop the album, I still want my fans to know I care about them. This week I decided to film a DIY music video in my buddy’s warehouse with the help of some close friends and family. To anyone who feels let down or hurt, I ask for your forgiveness…”
As we enjoy “Let Me Down”, please don’t let Oliver down – continue to practice social distancing and wash your hands often.