Sometimes, we experience things in life that just make us go WOAH WAIT WHAT… but we end up keeping it to ourselves. Sometimes, these secrets can include the things we wished we had said and done in the moment. And sometimes, those things get revealed in music. This is the story of Ainslie’s new single “Secrets”!

Ainslie is the project of Vicky Warwick, a British musician who’s spent a large portion of her time in the music world playing bass for artists such as Charli XCX, Hailee Steinfeld, and more. Playing bass was nice, but Ainslie had a growing urge to write, especially as she was away from home.
When Ainslie moved to New York City, she started recording, and found that the change of scenery also made way for new opportunities! She partnered with Ester Dean’s engineer Adam Korbesmeyer while spending time in Los Angeles, and she is now based in LA.
Speaking on the meaning of “Secrets”, Ainslie shared, “I had a long-term boyfriend who went and got another girlfriend whilst continuing to date me–and live with me. After I found out (and of course dumped him), I didn’t see him for years, until I walked past him on the street in LA, thousands of miles from where we were living together in London. You think about all the things you’d love to say or do if you were to run into someone that hurt you like that, but in the moment I just walked past him in silent disbelief. The whole thing was too crazy not to write a song about.”
And then, “Secrets” was born! Check it out below, and say hi to Ainslie on Instagram and Twitter @ainsliemusic.