Now Reading: Sonia Stein Pushes Us To Challenge The Status Quo With ‘Philosophical’


boomboxJune 9, 2020

Sonia Stein Pushes Us To Challenge The Status Quo With ‘Philosophical’

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Sometimes we need to pause and take a look at the bigger picture, even if it seems like others around us aren’t doing so. This is especially true now.

Emily Scarlett Romain

London-based singer/songwriter Sonia Stein is encouraging us to do just that with her latest single “Philosophical”.

“‘Philosophical’ is about always trying to find the deeper meaning behind things and how that sometimes stops me from being able to let go and have fun,” Sonia shares. “It’s about the frustration I have at times with people who want to distract themselves and not think about these things and sometimes with myself, for being so fixated on them.”

Sonia’s upbringing included her spending time in Berlin, Poland, and the United States. Her pop songs are deeply personal, and include messages that will marinate in your brain for quite a while.

She also went on to say, “The thing that lights me up the most and I am most passionate abut is posing these big questions about life. Why do behave the way we do? What we are here to learn? What do we just accept as normal but is a result of deep societal conditioning? It kind of feels like that’s all I want to talk about. I wrote Philosophical when I was having a conflicting relationship to that part of myself- I felt like I was starting these conversations with people who didn’t want to get into it, in places that didn’t feel open to it and as a result would leave me questioning whether the need for me to go deep all the time holds me back from having a bit of fun or whether I was just hanging out with the wrong people.”

Sonia has absolutely hit the nail right on the head. As we carry on with this week, we must really dig deep and continue to ask ourselves why we behave the way we do, why we choose to patronize the companies we do, and more. Self-evaluation is a step towards change!

As you listen to “Philosophical”, Sonia invites you to check out the Loveland Foundation. The Loveland Foundation is committed to showing up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls! To learn more and make a donation, visit

Check out “Philosophical” below, and say hi to Sonia on Twitter and Instagram @soniasteinmusic!
