
boomboxJune 22, 2020

JUJ Shares Bouyant New Track ‘How Could I Be Mad?’

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JUJ is back with a new banger titled “How Could I Be Mad?”

And honestly… how COULD you be mad while listening to this song?! The Philly raised, LA based singer/songwriter has had a year filled with momentum, and she’s showing zero signs of slowing down. “How Could I Be Mad?” features very bright beats that will make you want to jump up and down. And lyrically, the song just couldn’t be more relatable.

JUJ says, “‘How Could I Be Mad?’ is the first of my upcoming uptempo songs I’m super excited about. I wrote this song in Sweden months after leaving a toxic friendship. Rather than allow this unhealthy relationship to affect all of the ways life was treating me kindly,  I knew there was no way I’d allow this to drag me down. ‘How Could I Be Mad’ is about never allowing anyone to let the bad they create in your life weigh out the good .”

Live your best life, and forget anyone who’s trying to get in the way of that!

Check out “How Could I Be Mad?” below.
