Now Reading: Mai Kino Dives Deep With ‘Lungs’


boomboxJune 23, 2020

Mai Kino Dives Deep With ‘Lungs’

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If music is what you breathe, Mai Kino is ready to have her new single “Lungs” dive right into your system!

The London-based singer’s new four-track EP, Dopamine, is right around the corner. “Lungs” will be featured on the EP, as well as previous singles “Talk”, “Swim”, and a never before heard title track.

“Lungs started with an image in my head, of people living underwater…” Mai Kino shared. “I wrote it a while ago but in many ways it mirrors what’s going on in the world at the moment.”

Mai Kino also shared a visualizer, directed by George Jasper Stone. Check it out below as you listen to “Lungs”!
