Now Reading: Nightly gets honest with ‘not like you’


boomboxJuly 10, 2020

Nightly gets honest with ‘not like you’

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Zach Pigg

Nightly are continuing a steady flow of new music today with their new single “not like you.”

Have you ever felt like something was a little off with someone you really care about? Maybe they just weren’t being themselves, and although you wanted to say something, you never did? Well, that’s kind of the situation here.

“not like you” was written and produced pre-quarantine, and tells a story of lost opportunities and chances that slip away.

“It’s about someone I know really well that was not acting like themselves,” says Jonathan. “We actually wrote this one the week before lockdown started in a studio here in Nashville. It was one of those songs that just came out super fast.”

Sometimes, you just need to speak up!

Check out “not like you” below.
