Now Reading: Alexander 23 Gets ‘Caught in the Middle’


boomboxJuly 31, 2020

Alexander 23 Gets ‘Caught in the Middle’

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Alexander 23 is back today with “Caught in the Middle,” a song that recounts the agony of drifting apart from a former lover!

Ashley Osborn

“’Caught in the Middle’ is about the uncomfortable familiarity I have with someone I was once in a relationship with. It’s strange to know someone’s deepest, darkest secrets, but not be up to date on their daily setbacks and triumphs—to truly be in between ‘lovers’ and ‘strangers.'” 

It’s been a busy year for Alexander 23. Back in May, he released “IDK You Yet,” which has received nearly 100 million streams worldwide. It also blew up on TikTok, and landed him in the top 10 of Rolling Stone‘s Breakthrough 25 chart. He’s been working on even more new music during quarantine, and has also learned how to DJ!

Check out “Caught in the Middle” below.
