Now Reading: Chaz Cardigan Inspires With New Single ‘Middle of the Road’


boomboxAugust 13, 2020

Chaz Cardigan Inspires With New Single ‘Middle of the Road’

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Matt Blum

Do you ever stop and think about how your life may have been completely different if you hadn’t taken a certain leap of faith? Some changes may be scary at first, but the feeling of knowing you deserve better and pursuing it can be a huge game changer.

Chaz Cardigan is back today with his new single “Middle of the Road,” which addresses some of those very thoughts in a vibrant, upbeat fashion.

“‘Middle of the Road’ came from ruminating on what my life would’ve been like if I’d stayed in my hometown,” Chaz says. (He grew up in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, which is about an hour away from Louisville.) “I realized I would’ve been miserable, stuck in a cycle of debt and probably addicted to something, pretending to be someone I’m not for the rest of my life.”

During these times, feelings of uncertainty about the future and the fate of many of our goals can seem like they’re taking the wheel. Despite the challenges and hardships we may all face, we can find a way to make our dreams become a reality – and hopefully the lyrics found in “Middle of the Road” will inspire you to carve out your own path!

Later this month, Chaz will be sharing the music video for “Middle of the Road,” which will continue the story spearheaded by the video for his previous single “Everything’s Wrong.” Stay tuned!

Give “Middle of the Road” a listen below.

Keep up with Chaz Cardigan on Twitter and Instagram @chazcardigan
