Now Reading: There’s Something About Filipa’s New Single ‘Do Something’


boomboxSeptember 2, 2020

There’s Something About Filipa’s New Single ‘Do Something’

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The waiting game is not very fun, and can even be frustrating. Rising star Filipa has a clear message for everyone – don’t wait, just go for it!

While that can certainly be applied to just about any aspect of our lives, waiting for a love interest to show their feelings or make decisions can especially be irritating. So, Filipa decided to make a song about it called “Do Something.”

“This song was inspired by a very confusing and frustrating romantic relationship that was at a deadlock,” Filipa confides. “The unsettling feeling of not knowing where you stand with someone can be one of the most frustrating to deal with. My feelings grew stronger and I got to a point where I just wanted to scream and shout ‘If you like me back, just DO something! Take this somewhere.'”

Filipa found herself being catapulted into stardom after winning Ryan Seacrest’s song cover competition. Her cover of “Story Of My Life” by One Direction was solid, and gave her a platform where she got to focus on creating her own original music. The South African singer released her debut single “Chills” in 2014. She then started traveling to New York and LA to work with accomplished producers and songwriters. Her goal is to tell her own stories through her music in the most authentic and unapologetic way.

Filipa also shot the “Do Something” music video herself on an iPhone! Check it out below.

Keep up with Filipa on Instagram and Twitter @filipamusic!
