Now Reading: Setting Sail With Daniel Briskin


boomboxSeptember 8, 2020

Setting Sail With Daniel Briskin

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With a new year, Daniel Briskin is stirring his career into a new direction! After self-releasing two lush bedroom pop tunes in 2019, the 19-year-old musician from North London is back with his new vibrant alt-pop symphony “Boy on the Lake.”

Daniel found inspiration for “Boy on the Lake” after watching the 2004 film Mean Creek, which is about a lakeside prank gone wrong. He says he “saw someone feeling weird, remote and small, and it struck me that so much of human nature is based on a need for validation.” Having these images in his head allowed Daniel to craft a song based around feelings of isolation.

“Boy on the Lake” will be featured on Daniel’s forthcoming mixtape Forever Was A Feeling. The project will capture the feelings of the end of adolescence circling over one’s head, which can definitely bring on a whirlwind of emotions! Daniel’s creative juices have been flowing nonstop since he was a child, having picked up playing the piano when he was eight. He has a unique vision for his music, image, and career.

Daniel also released a stop motion music video for “Boy on the Lake,” which truly helps give a new level of depth to the song. Daniel brought the song to life through a collaboration with Joe Cruz, a visual artist who Daniel had been eyeing for quite a while. The two met last year, and worked together on this project via Zoom. The clip was helmed by LONEWOLF, a 22-year-old director from Indiana.

Check it out below!

What will Daniel think up next? The possibilities are truly endless, and I can’t wait to see it! “Boy on the Lake” marks Daniel’s debut with EMI, and it’s safe to say the future is looking very bright for him. Listen to “Boy on the Lake” below, and keep up with Daniel on Instagram and Twitter @daniel_briskin.

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