Now Reading: Skyler Cocco’s Creativity Reigns With ‘The Drive’


boomboxSeptember 25, 2020

Skyler Cocco’s Creativity Reigns With ‘The Drive’

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Dylan Mannarino

It’s time to hop in the car, roll your windows down, and blast Skyler Cocco’s new single “The Drive”!

Skyler Cocco was born and raised in New York, and produces, writes, mixes, and performs all of her own work. Skyler began to experiment with music when she was eleven years old, using her dad’s digital 8-track. By the end of high school, Skyler had taught herself how to play the guitar, bass, and piano by ear. She released her debut album Reviere in 2017, and her foot has been on the gas pedal ever since.

“The Drive” started out as a demo built on a guitar sample from MUNA’s Splice “World Saving Sample Pack.” Skyler was notified about a competition Splice was holding with this specific sample pack, and decided to give it a shot. She sent in the demo, and a few days later, MUNA gave Skyler a thumbs up on the track. Skyler then decided “The Drive” would be her next single… and here it is today!

I wrote ‘The Drive’ to reflect on a time where I’ve said things I didn’t mean to my partner or lashed out in a way that made them feel insecure in the relationship,” Skyler shares. “It’s the cooldown period after a fight, where you take some space to really let your own words resonate and see where you were wrong in a situation, and realize what you’re putting at stake by not changing those behaviors. I really wanted to write a love song that felt vulnerable and showed my true intentions, that I can hold myself accountable and change for someone who I wouldn’t want to live without.

Give “The Drive” a listen below – trust me, you’ll fall in love with the synth-pop vibes! While you’re gushing over the song, be sure to say hi to Skyler on Instagram and Twitter @skylercocco.
