Now Reading: A Venture Into Whispering Pines


lyfeJanuary 10, 2021

A Venture Into Whispering Pines

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Wherever you’re at in the world right now, you’ve probably experienced cabin fever at some point within the past year. Being stuck at home with not much excitement can surely be a bore. There’s only so much Netflix and napping one can handle before craving a new narrative to be introduced into their lives.

If you’re in need of a switch-up, perhaps it’s time to head to Whispering Pines with Lord Huron!

On January 7, the band kicked off their “Alive From Whispering Pines” streaming series, broadcasted from a studio in one of the most remote parts of the woods. There was no need to struggle with tuning the TV – viewers got to experience the show with high definition picture quality from start to finish. Just turn off the lights in the room, turn up the volume, and enjoy the program.

Hosted by the one and only Tubbs Tarbell, “Alive From Whispering Pines” offered just what the doctor ordered to treat cabin fever. Reimagined versions of fan favorites flowed throughout the night, such as a dark, synth-y rendition of “Meet Me in the Woods.” There were plenty of stories to cozy up to, unique commercials, and a bread crumb trail of hints that could possibly lead up to new music from Lord Huron in the coming months.

By now, many artists have mastered the art of a live streamed shows. Lord Huron’s “Alive From Whispering Pines” offered a very refreshing new and unique experience – one that you’ll want to join in on if you haven’t done so already! If you missed last Thursday’s showing, fear not. The next streams will take place on February 18, March 18, and April 15.

Visit for tickets to tune into future episodes. And don’t worry – this will be a socially distant adventure!
