Steel Maggie is truly unbreakable, and she wants her music to help you feel the exact same way!
Maggie started training classically on the piano when she was 10. This move should have been absolutely no surprise to anyone though. As a kid, Maggie frequently played around with a little keyboard she had in her home. She also built up a strong appreciation for music, having been introduced to a very wide array of genres by her father.
Throughout high school, Maggie wrote tons of short stories, but never really connected them with music. However, this changed when she was in college studying Psychology. Maggie recalls, “My best friend told me to pursue what I really wanted to do, which was get into the performing arts department and start seeing what I could do there.”
There was plenty of trial and error along the way. Maggie joined choirs and ensembles, trying to discover her solo voice and evolve into the singer she wanted to be. “It was rough,” she admits. “I was pitchy and uncontrolled, and I was trying to put the gravitas of the male rock and roll vocal into female vocal chords; apparently that doesn’t read well! They told me I sounded like a folk artist, and that was the last straw, because I wanted to be pop.”
Maggie dived into developing her vocals, and eventually she found a sound she was more than satisfied with. She describes it as “bittersweet and bold,” and it’s as Steel Maggie as Steel Maggie can be. In 2018, Maggie made her independent debut with her Demolition Woman EP. Over the years, her songwriting has evolved and matured as well. Maggie finds inspiration in literary symbolism, mythology, and Biblical themes. Her songs represent the human experience, matched with hypnotizing synths.
Although Maggie has faced many challenges throughout her life, she has shown resilience over and over again. Her new single “Out of Eden” is all about liberation from anything and everything holding you back.
In Maggie’s own words, “Out of Eden” is all about “the total breakdown of who I thought I was, everything I thought I wanted, what I believed to be my place in this world. This song expresses a major Steel Maggie lyrical theme: duality. The duality of the freedom of choice, the exhilaration and the insecurity, the joy and grief of a new identity and leaving everything you thought you knew.”
Overall, Maggie wants you to be able to find strength in her sound, and let it be an outlet to help you discover your true self! She says, “I want my music to be an audio injection of strength and self-worth to anyone who listens, because that’s what it is to me. I want you to find your truth on the dance floor, that’s the goal of my music right now.“
Listen to “Out of Eden” below, and say hi to Steel Maggie on Instagram @steelmaggiehq!