Now Reading: Call Up Peach PRC’s Rejection Hotline!


Music VideossssMarch 11, 2021

Call Up Peach PRC’s Rejection Hotline!

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Just two weeks ago, Peach PRC dropped one of the juiciest anthems of the year so far!

Josh” is a song for anyone who can’t stand when someone’s just not taking no for an answer. Even though they’re long gone from your life, they can’t seem to stop making every attempt to come back. In Peach PRC’s case, it was an ex boyfriend who just couldn’t stop calling her phone!

It’s aggravating, but thanks to “Josh,” we get to dance off all that frustration. And since she’s doing so much better without him, she wants to remind the whole world about it yet again with the song’s official music video! In the clip, Josh sees Peach PRC all over tv living her best life. Hopefully, this is what it took to get the message across to Josh.

But honestly, why stop there? If there’s a “Josh” in your life (or… who was… if you know what I mean…) who just can’t seem to let up, Peach PRC has your back. Call up the Peach Rejection hotline at (361) 337-3224 to get rejecting. Don’t be shy… give it a try!
