Now Reading: Jack Conway Lets His New Single ‘As We Go’ Flow!


boomboxMarch 24, 2021

Jack Conway Lets His New Single ‘As We Go’ Flow!

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Eleanor Lee

Do you feel like you’re winging your way through life? If so, you are SO not alone!

Adulting can be confusing, and full of conflicting emotions. For those who have felt as though they’ve had to “grow up” during the pandemic, it can be even more challenging. But sometimes we just have to go with the flow, and realize it’s okay to do just that.

Jack Conway is back again today with “As We Go,” a song meant to help you take things easy! He mentioned, “As Logic says in his song ‘Anziety’ – ‘I am an adult who recognize grown ups don’t really know shit’. ‘As We Go’ talks about the ups & downs/highs & lows of life and how, no matter who you are – we are all human & experience the same emotions/go through the same hardships. This song is one of encouragement – meant to uplift anyone who might be in a down season of life.”

“As We Go” is Jack’s third release of 2021, following “Stuck” and “Calluses.” The lo-fi beats sprinkled around this track are so endearing, and overall, “As We Go” is sure to leave listeners with a feeling of freedom. Give it a listen below!
