Now Reading: The Attire Peel Off The Truth In ‘Naked’


Music VideossssMarch 24, 2021

The Attire Peel Off The Truth In ‘Naked’

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Best friends stick together through thick and thin. You can turn to your best friend for anything, and they’ll have your back. They can also tell when someone who might not have your best interests in mind is around you. This can especially come into play with romantic relationships – you just know when someone isn’t good for someone else, so you might find yourself warning them about said person!

For such situations, The Attire’s latest single “Naked” might come in handy.

Gregory Shilling and Stephen Santa Teresa have been best friends since they were teens. The two quickly bonded over music, and they pushed each other to reach for new heights. In 2019, Greg and Stephen launched their new venture The Attire, with their debut single “Something in the Water” arriving the following year.

Since then, The Attire released three groovy singles – “Kool Aid,” “Push It 2 the Limit,” and most recently, “Naked.”

Hey – let’s face it. Some people just want others for their bodies, and sometimes it might take a while for the other person to realize it… especially when they’re deeply in love. Finding out the truth can be a heartbreak in itself, but The Attire want you to sing those sad feelings away!

Earlier this month, the duo teased a snippet of “Naked” on their TikTok account. They dubbed it as “the perfect song to post on your story about your ex.” In almost no time, the clip went viral, and currently sits at over 2.5 million views. Fans have been digging the full version, and even made sure the official music video surpassed the 1 million view mark in under a week. (Oh, the power of the Internet!)

There’s so much more from The Attire on the way in 2021. For now, check out “Naked” below!
