
Dance! Dance!March 29, 2021

Take A Dip With Shawn Wasabi!

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If you know how to dip out of a situation that isn’t benefitting you, then you deserve a huge virtual high five!

Shawn Wasabi wants to go the extra mile in making sure you receive your recognition. His new single “i dip” is all about being able to grow, adapt to new situations, and knowing when it’s time to move on. Shawn Wasabi has certainly grown on his own as a producer, having spent his entire career experimenting with different genres and new techniques. He can’t be placed in a box, but even if he could, he’d probably jump right on out of it! That being said, “i dip” is even more fitting.

“i dip” also keeps the spirit of Shawn’s grand MANGOTALE project going! To accompany the song, Shawn created an easter egg shaped like a mood ring. Mood rings change colors over time, and so do our approaches towards different scenarios.

Are we gonna dip it low to “i dip”? Of course we are! Stream it below.
