KTJ & CARLY Reveal Their “Hidden” Sides In New Single

Musical sisters KTJ & CARLY just released their vulnerable new single “Hidden,” and this is a song you certainly won’t want to hide your love for!

Straight from the girls themselves, KTJ & CARLY mentioned “‘Hidden’ is the story of hiding the darkest and worst part of yourself. Often, we don’t show our true selves because we are insecure about a certain part, leading us to completely cut off from people and put up a wall.”

“Hidden” is the latest offering from KTJ & CARLY that was concocted during lockdown, following “Cherry Coke” back in February. The duo wrote the song with Meg Delacey around Halloween via Zoom, and couldn’t wait to release it! The girls spilled, “We wrote it on the piano and then a week later performed it for Rockwood Music Hall live stream. After that, we just kept performing it and decided we loved this song too much to not release next. So, we both produced it out and recorded it in our home studio. That is how ‘Hidden’ came to be!”

Check out “Hidden” below.