Now Reading: Jack Conway Confronts Life’s Challenges In “Not That Great”


boomboxJune 22, 2021

Jack Conway Confronts Life’s Challenges In “Not That Great”

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Eleanor Lee

We’re all human, and part of our experience as humans involves facing hardships of some sort. Jack Conway has chosen to not let his own dark moments define him, and he’s encouraging us all to do the same in his new single “Not That Great.”

The singer/songwriter from LA is known for being as honest as possible in his songs, as displayed in his previous singles like “Sad Songs” and “As We Go.” Although his voice is as sweet as honey, he doesn’t sugar-coat the stories told through his lyrics. “Not That Great” is no exception, as Jack explains the song offers a “first-hand look at the thoughts I have had or sometimes still do tell myself when I’m down.”

Jack has battled anxiety, depression, eating disorders, faced abuse, and more throughout his lifetime. With “Not That Great,” Jack wants to make himself clear – despite the challenges we face, we can persevere. He says, “Beyond the sadness & hardship though, the importance of this song is not to delve too deep into the darkness, but rather acknowledge that the darkness exists inside us all – yet realize that it is a choice to let it have existence or to let the light shine through.”

It’s okay to be “Not That Great,” but this song will help guide you through the darkness. Listen below!
