Now Reading: Wake Up! Dylan Dunlap Just Dropped His New Single “Get More Rest”


boomboxJune 28, 2021

Wake Up! Dylan Dunlap Just Dropped His New Single “Get More Rest”

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If Dylan Dunlap’s music can spark a much needed conversation about many of the topics society tends to stay away from, then it’s another win for the multi-talented artist from LA. But today, you’ve certainly gotta start talking about his new single “Get More Rest”!

“Get More Rest” is one of Dylan’s most personal works to date, describing a desire to get away from the pressures of the world by waking up earlier. Many people will say that waking up early is the key to being productive, but there’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” answer to anything in life. As a matter of fact, it might be dangerous to push the narrative that there is.

Dylan says, “I lost my mind last summer waking up every single day to so much hatred in the world. The internet can be such a dangerous place to navigate and it disappoints me to know that what was once a tool to build human connection has now become a weapon to dehumanize others. I thought that by waking up earlier than everybody else, i’d be able to experience some stillness and maybe get ahead of it all before it triggered my anxiety & depression. Unfortunately it just harmed my mental health even more.”

Keeping this in mind, “Get More Rest” was a labor of love. Dylan mentioned that medical marijuana has helped quite a bit with being able to “quiet these voices in my head,” but it is not something he wishes to rely on. Music is something Dylan can always turn to as well, and as he continues to sing his truths, he’ll continue to help plenty of listeners around the globe.

“It feels like a turning point for me as a writer because I’ve finally found the words to express it with confidence,” Dylan says. “This was the first attempt to open up about something intense, personal, and dark through an energetic and anthemic song. The worst thing you can tell somebody is ‘you’re fine’. This song is a reminder to listen more to those in our life that could be hurting and hiding it. It’s liberating to talk this openly about learning to love my brain despite the insecurities.”

Listen to “Get More Rest” below!

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