Now Reading: Dempsey Hope Creates His Own Cultural “reset”


boomboxSeptember 30, 2021

Dempsey Hope Creates His Own Cultural “reset”

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Christian Quiroz

Do you ever just wish you could hit a reset button when you feel like you’re stuck in a funk? It would sure be nice to eliminate anything holding you back from accomplishing everything you want in life – even if that one thing is simply being yourself. For some, this might mean wishing the pandemic could just poof away. It might mean wishing a certain person could change their ways.

It could also mean playing Dempsey Hope’s new single “reset.” The alt-pop singer/songwriter from Seattle used this song as an opportunity to let out a ton of energy that was built up inside of him, and he invites you to do the same as you listen! You’ll naturally feel the need to jump around, bang your head, wave your arms in the air like you just don’t care, because this song is ultimately about self care.

Dempsey Hope spills:

““reset” is an upbeat yet introspective record which don’t always go hand in hand for me. in a time where life still feels so limited because of covid 19 even in my most introspective of moments i find myself wanting to jump around and get this pent up energy out, sonically this record does that for me. conceptually the record is about going through a phase where you don’t feel like yourself and wanting to reset to that person you once were so comfortable being, but “reset” explores that life is ever changing and even though change is never easy, it is necessary. this is another record (in addition to birds and many others!) that jake and i were able to work with the legendary dave bassett on. it’s been nothing but a pleasure getting to know and learn from dave thus far and we’ve got a lot of records left in us.”

Listen to “reset” below!
