Now Reading: LOVA Returns With ‘I Raised Your Boyfriend’


boomboxFebruary 17, 2023

LOVA Returns With ‘I Raised Your Boyfriend’

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Swedish pop singer LOVA has a confession to make, and she’s sharing it with the world in her new single “I Raised Your Boyfriend.”

When someone you truly cared about (like an ex) seems to treat others better than they treated you, it’s almost like a cue for the feelings of confusion and anger to start racing through your brain. This can especially be true if you’ve seen this person make positive changes in their life as both of you spent time together. 

Deep down, you know you want to take credit for all the good this person has done. After all, you saw the character development unfold right before your eyes. Perhaps saying “I made you!” might sound too cliché, so instead, LOVA chooses to simply confess the words “I Raised Your Boyfriend.”

The pumped up alt-pop track is LOVA’s first single from her upcoming EP, arriving this spring. 

“’I Raised Your Boyfriend’ is a song about sacrifice, disappointment, and jealousy,” LOVA spills. “It covers the emotions you go through when you see your ex move on with someone new, and in this case, how different he is with the new girl. Even though you know you’re better off without him, you can’t help but feel used and hurt because you know it’s because of you that he’s treating the other person so well. It was YOU who invested so much of your time and helped him become the man he is today. It’s not about wanting him back or trying to blame the new girl – but a little appreciation for your hard work would have been nice.”  
She continues, “The song is inspired by my own past & personal experiences, as well as stories that I have heard from my friends, mainly female friends, who often feel that they give more in the relationships then their partners. Most of them have also felt a need and expectation on them to raise and educate their boyfriends to teach them how to take care of their relationship.” 

LOVA is back and better than ever, and I can’t wait to hear what comes next!

Check out “I Raised Your Boyfriend” below.

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