Check Out Vessna Scheff’s Tasty New Single ‘BUTTER’!

Vessna Scheff | Photo by Yvette Pabon

Indie artist Vessna Scheff has created THE perfect R&B song for a night at a roller rink!

Hailing from Providence, Rhode Island, Vessna Scheff is a musician who carefully crafts a gorgeous, intimate listening experience with every song. She once found a handmade ukelele at a thrift store in San Francisco for only $14, and started playing and writing songs from that point on. In her many performances throughout the Bay Area, Vessna would incorporate paintings and projections of other visual art into her shows.

Vessna moved to the East Coast in 2015, and began to collaborate with Philly-based producer Lee Clarke. Together, the two created Vessna’s latest single “BUTTER.” The first few notes of the song create a calming sensation for listeners, and make it easy to envision being in a dimly lit room with a giant disco ball. 

“This song is inspired by a desire to feel playful, fun, sexy, and confident while navigating being a caregiver during the pandemic,” Vessna shares. “I wrote ‘BUTTER’ inspired by Adult Skate Night (unofficially known as Black skate night at rinks throughout the U.S.) as a dreamscape of the freedom found on the rink.“

Listen to “BUTTER” below, and say hi to Vessna on Instagram and TikTok @vessnascheff! 

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