
boomboxMay 3, 2020

It’s Okay To Cry At Parties

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Philly raised, LA based singer/songwriter JUJ just dropped THE most relatable song ever called “I Still Cry At Parties”!

JUJ says, “I wrote ‘I still cry at parties’ two weeks before I turned 20 in February. I had been feeling like many do in their late teens &  early twenties, very lost. I felt like I was going through so many life changes and I didn’t really know myself and that scared me. I would occasionally go to parties and venture out as an escape to how I was feeling, but I’d always end up leaving more sad. The more I’d try to forget, the more I was reminded. I was nervous feeling like I didn’t have it all figured out, but eventually  I came to terms with being ok with still having a lot to learn about myself & not having it figured out & thats finally when I felt ok.

Check it out below!
