Now Reading: Olivia O’Brien Starts A New Season Of Her Career With ‘Sociopath’


boomboxApril 9, 2021

Olivia O’Brien Starts A New Season Of Her Career With ‘Sociopath’

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Carianne Older

If Olivia O’Brien’s music were a tv show, I’d be binge watching every episode. Okay, maaaybe that’s a weird comparison to make, but we all know it’s just too darn good to put down!

With her new single “Sociopath,” Olivia is starting sort of a new season of her career. It’s the first single from her forthcoming album Episodes, which will be released in two parts. The first part will be released in May, while the second will arrive later this summer.

“Most of the time, it feels like my life consists of sporadic, mis-matched episodes from various, unrelated TV shows. Some days I’ll wake up in a lighthearted comedy move and fall asleep in a tear-jerking coming of age drama. While I usually enjoy these many episodes, the word ‘episodes’ often brings something else to mind: periods of struggle with mental and emotional distress,” Olivia shares. “I’ve been through many of those kinds of episodes but I try to find the positive in every situation and aspect of my life. My life is a messy, scattered genre-bending saga and so is my album. I’m inviting you into the episodes of my life with this new album. A world of comedy, reality, drama, horror, fantasy and love. I can’t wait for everyone to hear it.” 

Sociopath” is out now for your listening pleasure. Be sure to grab some popcorn and watch the music video too!
