Now Reading: Be Transported Into A Fantasy World With ADORA’s New Track “Trouble? TRAVEL!”


K-Popping!June 1, 2022

Be Transported Into A Fantasy World With ADORA’s New Track “Trouble? TRAVEL!”

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It’s fair for one to assume the world of singer, songwriter, and producer ADORA is full of hope, dreams, and imagination. With her new single “Trouble? TRAVEL!,” the multi-talented artist is slamming the doors wide open for us to join her on a 4 minute walkthrough of life through a fresh perspective.

ADORA’s version of a magic wand is a pen. Having previously written and produced songs for artists such as BTS, TXT, and GFriend, ADORA decided to kick off her solo career in November 2021 with “Make U Dance.” Just a few months later, ADORA released a follow up single titled “The Little Name.”

“Trouble? TRAVEL!” infuses whimsical melodies into the ears of listeners, and encourages them to close their eyes and let their dreams run free when they feel like reality is becoming too overwhelming. It’s escapism at its finest, and showcases the talents of ADORA in a new light.

Check out “Trouble? TRAVEL!” below!

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